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Spiritual Technology



I love this book! Rabbi Sutton makes the mystical and practical Kabbalah accessible to those of us who are Christian and Hermetically inclined. He has a great many important things to say about the time that we're in. Read this book if you wish to get in shape for the changing millennium. It also goes well with Richard Tarnas' Cosmos and Psyche.

Bruce Hanify

Writer, Lawyer | Washington State

This book is as only R.Avraham Sutton with HaShems help make the Purim Light come to light.A book to be studyed to truly get all of it.I think everone will love the Purim Light. We all love to know the truth of the secrets in His words.Thanks.

Barbara R. Bradford

Mertzon, TX

Very accessible, enjoyable and encouraging read that demystifies tapping into the high holidays timing and prayers. Rabbi Sutton has a gift for bringing together Torah from a myriad of sources and presenting it to the reader in a clear and concise yet always rich, colorful and insightful manner.


In The Press



Rav Avraham Sutton is an Orthodox spiritual mentor, teacher, and author who has been learning and teaching prophetic Torah and Kabbalah for over forty years. He has translated, edited, and/or authored over thirty major works in English on the deeper significance of Torah for our age—the age of spiritual awakening.

Born in the U.S., Rav Avraham has lived in Israel since 1977, and has imbibed Torah from some of the great teachers in the holy city of Jerusalem. Steeped in the tradition of the great masters of Kabbalah, he is an insider of Torah. He focuses on the deeper soul-issues of our age, the meaning of living at this crucial time in history, including how to develop a deeper awareness of—and intimacy with—God in our everyday lives. He teaches the importance of inner work, of knowing who we truly are, and why we (our souls) have been born at this
momentous time in history.


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